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Subject 외국인 유학생 건강보험가입 안내 (Health Insurance for International Students)
Name 김소희 Date 2021-08-02    

1. 2021년도부터 적용되는 외국인 유학생 건강보험가입 안내입니다.

2. 국민건강보험 가입제외 신청

외국의 법령,외국의 보험,사용자와의 계약으로 건강보험에 준하는 의료보장을 받는 외국인은 국민건강보험 가입 제외 신청을 할 수 있습니다. 자세한 사항은 국민건강보험공단(1577-1000 또는 033-811-2000) 및 외국인민원센터로 문의하여 주시기 바랍니다.

외국 법령에 의한 경우: 프랑스(정부간 협정, 영주권자 제외), 일본(본국에서 의료비 보상), 미국, UN(정부관료, 군인과 퇴직자 및 가족 의료보장)

신청방법 :  https://global.uos.ac.kr/korFree/view.do?list_id=40014G2&seq=23&sort=2&pageIndex=1&searchCnd=&searchWrd=&viewAuth=Y&writeAuth=N&x=2&y=1&w=7&epTicket=LOG

3. 건강보험료 전자고지 및 자동이체

건강보험료 전자고지 및 자동이체 제도 관련하여 첨부파일을 참고하시기 바랍니다.

신청방법 : https://global.uos.ac.kr/korFree/view.do?list_id=40014G2&seq=24&sort=1&pageIndex=1&searchCnd=&searchWrd=&viewAuth=Y&writeAuth=N&x=2&y=1&w=7&epTicket=LOG

1. Please see the attached guideline for the Health Insurance for International Students.

2. Application for Exclusion from National Health Insurance

​Foreigners whose health coverage is guaranteed by foreign law, foreign insurance, or employer's contract may apply for exclusion from NHI. For more information, please contact the NHIS at 1577-1000/ 033-811-2000 or NHIS Center for Foreign Residents.

* cases of health coverage guaranteed by foreign law

France : Intergovernmental agreement

Japan : National health insurance system reimburses policyholders for medical expenses incurred overseas

USA, UN : Healthcare system for government officials, military personnel/retirees and their families

* cases of health coverage guaranteed by foreign insurance

Private insurance must be purchased outside of Korea and have no limitations on its coverage in South Korea.

Coverage limit above 1 billion KRW is considered unlimited coverage by the NHIS.

How to apply :  https://global.uos.ac.kr/korFree/view.do?list_id=40014G2&seq=23&sort=2&pageIndex=1&searchCnd=&searchWrd=&viewAuth=Y&writeAuth=N&x=2&y=1&w=7&epTicket=LOG

3. Application for Electronic Notice and Automatic Transfer

​Please see the attached files for more details regarding electronic notice and automatic transfer procedures of health insurance fees.

​How to apply : https://global.uos.ac.kr/korFree/view.do?list_id=40014G2&seq=24&sort=1&pageIndex=1&searchCnd=&searchWrd=&viewAuth=Y&writeAuth=N&x=2&y=1&w=7&epTicket=LOG


File 한글)외국인유학생건강보험적용안내.pdf
외국인 유학생 건강보험 제도 안내.zip
이전글/다음글 테이블
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